Things may seem a little strange at the moment but please bear with us while we try to adjust to these new guide lines which we need to follow in order to
Firstly directions for those of you who do not know where Debbie Newton's yard is:-
From the A377 (the main road from Copplestone to Barnstaple) DO NOT follow the road signs to the village of Lapford but (if heading towards Barnstaple)
go past the Texaco garage/ Spar shop and immediately take the left turn off of the A377 signed Nymet Roland. Follow this road around a left hand bend
and uphill the entrance to the yard is shortly on the right just after the driveway to Little Bridge also on the right. LDC sign will be out. Once you come up
the slope drive onto the menage and park either in the little field on the left behind the stables or on menage - we will tell you! Please wait in your car until
we call you into the training field.
We have spaced the lessons with 15 minutes between each one to allow for hand washing, cleaning of the equipment and socially distanced change
overs! Please do not to arrive more than 10 minutes before your lesson start time.
Please remain in your car until you are called for your lesson. Then leave the dog in the car momentarily while you wash your hands using the hand
washing facilities provided. You may then collect your dog from your car. We will be on hand to open / close any gates which may need doing.
Please remember the usual rules of keeping your dog on lead at all times except when you are under instruction, Pick up after your dog and take any poo
bags home with you and do not use any equipment unless instructed to do so. As we plan to work dogs off lead as soon as possible a long training lead
would be useful especially if your dog has not got a good recall yet! You can buy these on Amazon or all good pet shops and would appreciate you bring
one in your bag!!
In addition to these rules there are now a few new ones:-
1) Please bring your own water bowl and water.
2) Remember to maintain a 2m distance between any person.
3) If you are feeling at all unwell with any of the following symptoms - new continuous cough, high temperature or loss of your sense of taste or smell
please DO NOT come to your lesson.
4) Make sure you bring with you your dogs lead & collar, training toy, treats, poo bags, you will not be able to borrow these items at this time.
5) There will be disinfectant spray available if you wish to use it before or after your session. There will also be gloves/tissues should they, for any
reason, be needed/required.
6) As we are outside please be mindful of your footwear.
If first aid needs to be administered to you or your dog we have gloves and masks on hand and we would treat as needed.
Finally, once you have finished your lesson return your dog to the car (again, we will do all the gates as necessary) and again wash your hands (we have
warm water too!).
I would ask that if anyone subsequently develops any of the Covid-19 symptoms within 7 days of the lesson they let me know so that we can make sure
any spread of the virus is minimized.
We hope all these do's and don'ts won't scare you too much. We have to make you all aware of our new procedures but we are looking forward to seeing
you all again and socialising your young dogs.
Of course, if anyone has any worries or questions please do not hesitate to speak to me or email me.
LDC Committee